In Spring and Fall seasons, ABYB is divided into grade and age-based divisions. The Spring season normally runs from April through June. Practices typically begin during the first few weeks of April, and games usually start towards the end of April. Spring baseball most often finishes the weekend before school ends. The Fall season typically starts with practices in late August/early September and then games starting usually after Labor Day and continuing each weekend through October. The information below will help you understand what to expect at each level.
Ages 4 & 5
Often a family's first introduction to baseball/softball, ABYB”s Little League's Tee Ball Division provides coaching instruction by parent volunteers. Our coaches are responsible for teaching the fundamentals of throwing, catching, batting, fielding, and base running. The main focus is an introduction to fundamentals in a fun, safe, team-oriented environment. All players League Age 4&5 will play in this division. See Little League Baseball’s age chart for details.
The Tee Ball Coordinator assigns coaches to teams, and players are then assigned to teams by the Coordinator with a goal of creating teams of players from the same school. Players receive a uniform shirt and hat
Tee Ball includes one practice during the week and a game on Saturday mornings. A normal practice plan focuses on the fundamentals (throwing, catching, proper batting stance and address at the plate, fielding position, fielding of ground balls, running the bases). The game lasts three innings, with each player batting every inning. After the game, players line up at home plate and shake hands with their opponents. Sportsmanship is extremely important and is introduced at the youngest of ages.
Although not mandatory, teams typically employ a station's method of teaching during the practice time. Experience has shown that the kids will get many more repetitions, be kept busy and engaged, and allow the coaches to have the chance to work on many different skills with the players.
The primary method of batting to begin the year is with a tee. This is a great tool to show kids proper batting stance, address, and allow them to focus on making contact with a proper swing.
Ages 6 - 8
ABYB’s Little League's second level of baseball is Minors. Similar to Tee Ball, coaching instruction is provided by parent volunteers. At this level, coaches introduce pitching and catching, as well as defensive strategy. The main focus continues to be on fundamentals in a safe and team-oriented environment. All players League Age 6-8 will play in this division. See Little League Baseball’s age chart for details.
The Coordinator assigns coaches to teams, and players are then assigned to teams by the Coordinator with a goal of creating balanced teams. An effort is made to assign players from the same school district and to keep rosters at 10-12 players.. Players receive a uniform shirt and hat
Games are played once per week on Saturdays. Each game should last 90-120 minutes. One or two weeknight skills practices will be held on the same day each week, lasting 60 -75 minutes. Coaches may add additional practices at their discretion. Games and practices are held primarily at a field using 60-foot base paths (standard Little League dimensions).
Batters hit coach-pitch (with swinging strikeouts) for the first 4-5 games of the season and a blend of coach-pitch and player-pitch (with swinging and called strikeouts) for the second half of the season. An effort will be made to have player-pitch only for games played post-Memorial Day. During player-pitch, a coach or another volunteer serves as the umpire. An effort will be made by the Division Coordinator to assign an umpire.
After the game, players line up at home plate and shake hands with their opponents. Sportsmanship is extremely important and is a continued focus at this level.
Ages 9 – 12
This age group will be divided into 2 subdivisions based on age and ability:
Majors - Players league age 10-12 through grade 6. See Little League Baseball’s age chart for details.
Minor-A - Players league age 9-11. See Little League Baseball’s age chart for details.
- Players aged 10-11 looking to change divisions from the prior season required to be evaluated at a tryout in late winter/early spring
- Managers and coaches continue teaching basic baseball fundamentals and teamwork.
- The teams will play at 1-2 games a week with league assigned umpires.
- Majors games will be played on Wednesday and Sunday evenings with one practice during the week.
- Minor A games will be played on Saturday with one practice during the week.
- Virtually all standard baseball rules are adhered to with some limitations.
- Games played on standard sixty foot base paths – standard little league dimensions.
- Teams bat in a continuous order, batting until three outs.
- Players pitch to other teams.
- Pitching limitations apply.
- At the end of the year the team with the best record will be crowned regular season champion, for Majors, there will be playoffs, with one team being crowned champion
- Each player will receive a uniform shirt and hat
- Each player is expected to have their own glove. Metal cleats are NOT ALLOWED IN THIS DIVISION