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Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball

Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball

Babe Ruth Bat Rule

ABYB Babe Ruth teams participate in the Minuteman Baseball League.  The following bat rules (taken from the web site) are adhered to:

5.4  The MIAA rules on the use of non-wood bats shall apply to all Minuteman Baseball League players (Patriot, Minuteman, Summer, etc.). All bats not made of a single piece of wood  shall meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard (reference NFHS Rules 1-3-2 through 1-3-5), and such bats shall be labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. Each manager will be responsible for enforcement of this rule among his/her players. The penalty for illegal bat use will be as follows:

5.4.1     If the illegal bat is identified and replaced before an at-bat has concluded, there is no penalty.

5.4.2     If the illegal bat is identified after an at-bat has concluded but before a pitch has been thrown to the following batter, the batter using the illegal bat shall be declared out, and all baserunners shall be returned to the bases they occupied prior to the final pitch.

5.4.3     If the illegal bat is identified after the at-bat has concluded and after a pitch has been thrown to the following batter, the result of the at-bat stands.


ABYB Note: As of Fall 2014, in ABYB's internal fall Babe Ruth league, 13-yr-old players are allowed to use bats with at most a -7 length to weight difference (“Drop 7”).  In the spring and summer, Minuteman rules allow only a Drop 3 bat, regardless of age.


Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball
P.O. Box 2784 
Acton, Massachusetts 01720

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