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Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball

Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball

Frequently Asked Questions

ABYB Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When are games / practices?

A: At all levels, there is a team practice on one weeknight each week (the same day/time each week). 
    Specific game schedules are determined by each division's coordinator, and will typically be on Saturdays. 
    The younger divisions (Minor A and below) will normally play in the morning/early afternoon. 
    The Majors and Babe Ruth divisions will typically play in the late afternoon/evening. 
    There may occasionally be weeknight games in the older divisions, often for make-ups due to bad weather. 
    The Majors and Babe Ruth divisions will typically have games on Sunday afternoons/evenings as well. 

 My child has a conflict on Tuesday nights. Can we request a different night for practice?
A: When you register your player(s), there is a method to indicate conflict days/times.

Q: How long does the season last?
A: Both the spring and fall seasons last for 8-10 weeks.  The spring season starts with practices in mid-April and
    games from late April (after April school vacation) and run through the remainder of the school year, ending in
    mid-June.  In the fall, the season starts with practices in late August with games starting after Labor Day and
    running through to the end of October.

Q: What are the developmental expectations between the various levels?
A: Please visit the Divisions page on the league website for detailed information about each of our 7 divisions.

Q: Can I request for my child to play with his friends or a specific coach?
A: For T-ball and Minor C we will honor any team requests to the best of our ability.  However, starting with Minor B,
    the teams are assembled through a draft so there is no way to ensure placement on a particular team. 
    Note that siblings in the same division will always be placed together.

Q: Can I get a refund after I register?
A: The ABYB refund policy states:

Registration fees are only refundable if a player is withdrawn prior to that player being placed on a team.
Late fees are always non-refundable.  Requests for refunds must be made in writing by the parent or legal guardian by e-mail to [email protected].

  • An exception will be made for a player who registers for ABYB, subsequently makes a school team, and then wishes to withdraw from ABYB, since school team tryouts may not occur before ABYB teams are formed.

Q: What is the ABYB CORI policy?
A: It is the policy of ABYB, which serves both Little League and Babe Ruth, to require the yearly clearance of a background check (CORI) for all Volunteers prior to repetitive interaction with players or teams in the League.  

ABYB Volunteers are defined as all managers, coaches, members of the Board of Directors, any other persons or volunteers age 18 or older, who provide regular service to the league and/or has repetitive interaction with players or teams.  A copy of the approved policy is provided at the following link.

Q: What is the ABYB Playing-Up policy?
A: A copy of the approved policy is provided at the following link.


Acton-Boxborough Youth Baseball
P.O. Box 2784 
Acton, Massachusetts 01720

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